If you have done a previous church wide campaign, you realize the significant --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- commitment of staff and volunteer resources necessary for effective --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- implementation. That’s why it is vital to create leadership teams to spearhead --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the GIC campaign’s various aspects. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Step 1: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Select a prayer team coordinator, someone with a gift of leadership and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- a heart for prayer. Remember: this isn’t just a program but a spiritual endeavor in --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- which God can grow his people. As such, it needs to be preceded by and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- covered in prayer. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Together with your prayer team coordinator, pray about and make a list of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- individuals to contact to be on the prayer team. Ask the team to be committed --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to meet weekly beginning immediately and continuing through the GIC --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- campaign, perhaps even before/after morning services if that works best. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Step 2: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Select a communications team coordinator, if possible someone with --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- administrative and marketing background. With the coordinator, choose two to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- three others to work on this team. Keeping this team smaller will expedite the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- decisions that need to be made. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You want to be certain that your congregation knows what is coming and thus --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- build excitement and anticipation around the GIC campaign. It may be helpful to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- conduct gatherings similar to the one you had earlier with your key leaders to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- broaden ownership and support. You may choose to have bulletin inserts, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- banners, weekly announcements, and the like for three to four weeks prior to the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- launch date. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ...Read More